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There is plenty of evidence that people take today – exams entrance exams, drug tests and etc. These tests are used to enter a university or school to check the health problems and also to check the stability of the mind and character of a person. One of them is called personality test.
This is one of the tests that are currently administered in some schools to help distinguish the type of personality of a person. It mainly aims at defining traits of a person who could persist throughout the life of the person – which includes character pattern individuals thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
There are many different types of personality tests. The common type usually contains a large number of articles in which respondents or person tested applicability of each item is classified. Another type is projective or psychological tests such as Thematic Apperception Test or TAT and smudging. These types are used by psychologists to help determine the stability of the mind of a patient.
The TAT test is a psychological test that is widely documented, used and taught. Proponents claim that the TAT can play a role or logic could be repressed aspects of the personality of the person, the reasons and the need for power, intimacy and realization of an unconscious person. You can also check the ability of solving the problem person.
TAT is also known as the art of image interpretation. TAT uses a series of ambiguous pictures that are provocative. TAT are 31 standard images. Some cards show male, while some women have some males and females of both images. Other cards have ambiguous sex, children and even if some do not have human faces. Of the 31 cards is a card that has no picture at all – it is completely empty.
But not used all 31 cards? Usually, only about 10 cards are used depending on what they think is useful for test taker or what you think encourage greater expression of the insured. He asks the test taker to tell a dramatic story, they think that the image represents. In the story, ask what is the reason for this event is happening, what the outcome of the story and what the characters in the picture is thinking and feeling.
Meanwhile, the ink spots, which is also known as the Rorschach inkblot, technical or Rorschach is a psychological test in which the views of the ink test taker spots are recorded and then analyzed by an interpretation which may be psychological or scientifically derived. Some psychologists use this type of test to study the personality of a person, functioning and emotional characteristics.
Psychologists believe that identifying a disorder of the underlying thought or an abnormal state of mind. It is used in cases where test takers are reluctant to describe or to be honest about what they think. Some studies using this type of personality test has been used for about 20% of correctional psychologists, clinical psychologists who work 80%, and 80% teach psychology graduates.

psychology personality test


psychology personality, personality, Psychology personality test

via one best personality http://1bestpersonality.blogspot.com/2013/08/psychology-personality-test.html